My Whys

(In no particular order)

1. Better health: IMPROVING

2. Model healthy habits for the kids: IMPROVING

3. So the simplest tasks don’t leave me breathless and sweaty: MET

4. So I can cross my legs: MET

5. So I can bend over: MET

6. So I don’t have to avoid the camera

7. So I don’t feel compelled to put myself down: IMPROVING

8. So I can wear the kinds of clothes I really want: IMPROVING

9. More energy: MET

10. So I can reward myself with new clogs: MET

11. So I can do ballet again

12. Confidence: IMPROVING

13. So Desmond’s arms reach all the way around when he hugs me: MET!!

14. To avoid diabetes: MET

15. To feel physically comfortable: MET

16. In case I run into people I haven’t seen since my skinny days: IMPROVING

17. To look good in a bathing suit: IMPROVING

18. To look good in…nothing 😳

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